What We Tell Our Daughters
What We Tell Our Daughters
What I Discovered on My Fertility Journey

What I Discovered on My Fertility Journey

Welcome to today's episode of What We Tell Our Daughters. Coming to you from Koh Samui, Thailand this week! We're continuing on our fertility journey together this week - but instead of hormones and labs, we're talking about the mindset of fertility.

In Western Medicine & in Functional Medicine, we talk A LOT about physical root causes of infertility, labs, cycles, science, numbers... but we almost never talk about the emotional and spiritual journey that struggling with fertility brings. Today I'll share with you some of the biggest lessons I learned in my fertility journey and some gems that my mentors shared with me.


Journaling Prompts:

  1. Do I believe in a little baby spirit? If not, is there another form of energy, science, meaning this baby spirit could take that would align with my belief system?

  2. How can I make more space for growth, evolution, trust, patience on this fertility journey?

  3. If I don't believe in a spiritual connection or an unknown, how do I find peace with the things that feel beyond my control in this journey?

As always, you can also watch the episode if you prefer:

Let's dive in! 🎧

If you have questions or follow-ups you’d like to hear more about, please comment and I’d love to talk more with you.

About your host, Danya Joy:

I am a registered nurse, functional medicine practitioner, digital nomad, and most importantly, a mama! I'm on a mission to raise my daughter with honesty & awareness. I created this show as a place to have hard conversations about life, the ones that enable us to become the strongest versions of ourselves. Because we are raising our daughters in a world that demands strong women.

You can also find me on Instagram: @danyajoy

If you're a mother, an aspiring mother, or have any children in your life - whether it's a niece, a neighbor or a friend - this show is for you!

Please do like, comment and subscribe to my channel if you enjoyed this episode. ❤️

#fertilityawareness #fertilitymatters #fertilityjourney #functionalmedicine #pregnancy

Discussion about this podcast

What We Tell Our Daughters
What We Tell Our Daughters
The podcast focused on women's health and how to raise strong daughters in a world dominated by men. We'll talk about hormones, periods, sex, owning your power and also topics such as travel, relationships and more